Born at Bonn, where, when eleven years old, he began the study of music. At the age of fifteen he entered the Cologne Conservatory, where he was a pupil of Grünwald for violin, and of Ferdinand Hiller for composition. Later, he studied two years under Joachim, and his playing took the style of his master. His playing was interrupted by a term of military service. After playing in several German cities he went to London, in 1870, to succeed Leopold Jansa at the Academy of Music. He became a naturalized Englishman, and has now a respected place among musicians there. He plays first violin in a quartet of which G. Collins is second violin, A. Gibson or A. Hobday is viola, and W. E. Whitehouse is violoncello. They have given a great many concerts in London and the provinces. He has written two symphonies, a piano quartet, and some violin and violoncello pieces. His violin is a Joseph Guarnieri del Gesu, which has been loaned to him for life by a pupil. Part of it was made from the same piece of wood as Paganini's violin.