Pianist of merit; born in Dresden in 1852. After piano study with Reichel and harmony with Rischbieter, Leitert made his debut in concert in Dresden in 1865. He met with such success for a lad of thirteen years that he was invited to play at the famous Gewandhaus concerts in Leipsic. He then gave brilliant performances in Berlin, Vienna, Prague and London. Leitert met Liszt in Weimar and later spent two winters with this master in Rome, where he won much applause in several concerts. He played again on tours through Germany, Austria and Russia, and in 1879 was appointed a teacher in the Music School in Vienna, which position he held until 1881. Leitert has published a number of characteristic piano compositions of modern style: Chants du crepuscule; Herbstblatter; Aus schonern Stunden; Lose Blatter; valse; caprice; and others.