Lacy, Michael Rophino


Violinist and composer; born at Bilboa, Spain. His father was an Englishman and his mother was Spanish. He made his debut when only six years of age, having to stand on a table so the audience could see him. He attended college at Bordeaux and finished his education in Paris. Kreutzer was his principal instructor in music. He could speak French, Italian, Spanish and English. In 1804 he played before Napoleon at the Tuileries, and on the way to London he played at several Dutch towns. In London he was a pupil of Viotti and played with much success. He was called the young Spaniard. Later he became an actor, performing in Dublin, Edinburgh and Glasgow. In 1818 he was made concert director at  Liverpool. He made skilful adaptations for the English stage of a number of popular operas by Rossini, Meyerbeer, Weber and others. He composed a quintet for piano and strings; fantasias, rondos, etc. for piano; and songs.