Lachner, Ignaz
Brother of Franz; also born at Rain, Bavaria. Taught first by his father, then by Neugebauer on the violin, Keller on the piano and Witschka for composition. He was appointed second chapelmaster at Munich, under his brother. In 1858 he became Court conductor at Stockholm. From 1861 to 1875 he was first chapelmaster at Frankfort, after which he was pensioned. His works are of all kinds, operas, ballets, string quartets, trios, symphonies, concert pieces for different instruments piano sonatas, and many songs. His brother, Vincenz, 1811 to 1893, was also born at Rain and received musical instruction from their father. Studied in Vienna under his brother, in 1831 succeeding Ignaz as organist of the Evangelical Church. He followed Franz as chapelmaster at Mannheim, from 1836 to 1873. In 1842 he conducted the German Opera in London, and in 1848 the Stadttheatre at Frankfort.