Knight, Rev. Joseph Philip


English song-writer, principally known for his Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep. He was born at Bradford-on-Avon, where his father, Rev. Francis Knight, was vicar. In 1828 he began studying the organ and musical theory with the organist Corfe at Bristol, published several songs, using an assumed name. These were successful, so he continued composing and used his own name. It was during a visit to the United States from 1839 to 1841 that he wrote Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, which was sung by Braham. In 1841 he went to Dublin with Liszt. Soon after he returned to England he was appointed vicar and organist of St. Agnes in the Scilly Islands. He stayed there for some time, and when he gave up the post devoted all his time to composing. Among his best known songs are Venice; Say, What Shall My Song Be Tonight?; Of What is the Old Man Thinking?; The Veteran; The Dream; and, Why Chime the Bells so Merrily? He also wrote some instrumental music.