Kennedy, David
A Scotch singer, who struggled through poverty and obscurity, and finally made an international reputation for himself. He was born at Perth and was first taught music by his father. He was made precentor in several churches, but when very young was sent out as an apprentice to a house painter at Perth, and later worked as a journeyman in London and Edinburgh. When he went back to his native town he started in business for himself, but as his desire to become a public singer was in no degree lessened, he took many trips to Edinburgh, where he was taught singing by Mr. Edmund Edmunds. He was finally appointed precentor in an Edinburgh church and then took up music as his life-work, teaching and giving concerts to support his family. He was at last engaged to sing at the Burns Centenary at Liverpool, and from that time he became better known. He made a tour of Scotland, appeared in London, and later made extensive tours in the United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India; his trips to Canada being the most frequent. He appeared for the last time in public at a Burns Night at Sarnia, and died a few days later at Stratford, Ontario.