Kalinnikov, Basil Sergeivich
Modern Russian composer, whose early death ended a very brilliant and promising career. He was born in Orlov, where his father was on the police force; went to the Orloysky Seminary and became a chorister there. Though he was very poor he succeeded in getting to Moscow, where he attended the Philharmonic Society School of Music as the pupil of Ilymsky and Blaramberg. He was then appointed assistant conductor of the Italian Opera at Moscow, but his health began to fail from the hardships he had undergone, and he went to the Crimea, where he spent the rest of his life composing. He died at Yalta. His music was national in character and was well received throughout Europe. Among his works are two symphonies; St. John Chryspstom, a cantata; music to Tolstoi's play, Tsar Boris; The Roussalka, a ballad; and songs.