Goldmark, Rubin


American composer; nephew of Karl Goldmark. Began his musical study when but seven years old under Alt red Livonius, and in 1889 went with his teacher to Vienna, where he continued his studies in piano under Door and in composition under Fuchs at the Conservatory of Music. On returning to this country he studied with Joseffy and Dvorak in New York. In 1891 he was instructor in the National Conservatory of Music in New York. From 1892 to 1903 he lived in Colorado Springs, where he had gone on account of his health, and there he established, in 1895, the Colorado College of Music, of which he was director and lecturer. He returned to New York in 1903, where he now lives. He has given about two hundred lecture recitals in the United States and Canada. At the age of nineteen he composed a theme and variations for orchestra, which scored a success under Seidl in New York in 1895. Other compositions are a cantata with orchestra, Pilgrimage to Kevlaar; an overture, Hiawatha, played by the Boston Symphony Orchestra; a rpmanza for violoncello; a sonata for violin; and a trio for piano, violin and cello, on hearing which, it is said, Dvorak exclaimed, " There are now two Goldmarks!" This trio was written by Goldmark at the age of twenty. He has also written numerous songs, which show originality and much promise. Among them may be named Come Live With Me; Forest Song, Die erste Liebe; and O'er the Woods' Brow. Elson speaks of this composer as a "remarkably scientific musician, graceful in his thoughts and fine in his orchestral coloring."