Italian composer; was born on the island of Burano, from which he was frequently called Buranello. His father, a barber and violin-player, gave him his first instruction, and by the time he was sixteen he had composed an opera which was performed at Vicenza, but met with a humiliating reception. This failure incited him to study under Lotti; his next attempts were more successful, and he became in time one of the most popular composers of comic opera in his day. He also composed considerable sacred music and an unpublished sonata for harpsichord. In 1726 he had removed to Venice. In 1762 he was made chapelmaster at St. Mark's and director of the Conservatorio degli Incurabili. In 1765 he was called to the post of imperial chapelmaster in St. Petersburg, but returned to Venice in 1768, resuming his former position as director at the conservatory. Burney says that as an operatic composer he had more influence on music in England than any other of his nationality. His operas are now, however, of merely historical interest as being superior in every essential to the works of his Italian contemporaries.