Violin virtuoso and composer, who is believed to have been a pupil of Capricornus, at Stuttgart, and who was born in Suabia. He went early in life to Paris, where he became copyist to the famous Lully, whose music he is said to have introduced in Germany. He was chapelmaster at Schwerin in 1751 and then entered the service of the Margrave of Pomerania. Was later violinist in several of the principal cities, and at length settled at Schwedt in Brandenburg, where he died at an advanced age. Fischer wrote chiefly vocal and instrumental music and was fondest of the instrument known as the viola, and wrote much music for it. His compositions include overtures; dances, madrigals; solos and variations for the violin and viola. They were published at Augsburg, Berlin and Hamburg and bear dates from 1681 to 1708.