One of the most important of the German contrapuntists of the Sixteenth Century. The dates of his birth and death are not definitely known, although Grove's Dictionary gives the above dates. He received a large part of his musical training at Cracow, Poland, and went later to the court of Poland, under John I. (about 1492), as a chorister in the Court chapel, then under Alexander and under Sigismund. He retired later to Wittenberg. Heinrich Finck wrote motets, and much other sacred music; also secular songs. One of his best compositions was Christ ist erstanden, for five voices. A colleclection of the composer's songs, hymns and motets appeared in a musical work published by Breitkppf and Hartel. Two manuscript copies of a four-part Missa dqninicalis signed H. F. is credited to him and is preserved in the Munich Library.