Falcon, Marie Cornelie


Famous singer, the daughter of a storekeeper in Paris, where she was born. She very early in life showed a talent for music and was placed in the Conservatory under Pellegrini and Bordogni for a period of study. She succeeded in carrying off many prizes, and after her graduation she sang at several concerts, but not till she made her debut at the Academic, did she make any impression on the musical public. Her first operatic appearance was made in Robert le Diable in 1832. Mme. Falcon's voice was full and resonant, especially in the upper and middle register, and she was besides a most graceful and beautiful woman. She had a long and successful career as a vocalist. She originated the role of the Countess in Auber's Gustave, and was most successful in Don Giovanni. She had the honor of being chosen by Cherubini for the part of Morgiana in Ali Baba, but her greatest triumph was won in 1835 when she sang the part of Rachel in La Juive. Her reputation rests mainly upon her performance in Les Huguenots, of the role of Valentine. While appearing in Stradella, Falcon's voice suddenly left her, but in a few weeks it returned apparently as beautiful as ever, except that it was changed from a soprano to contralto. In 1840, having returned to Italy, she attempted to sing at her own benefit, but again her voice failed her, and heart-broken she left the stage. A pension was granted her the same year. After her retirement she married M. Malanc.cn, and sang, according to some authorities, as late as 1891.