Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm


Celebrated violinist. Was born at Brunn, Moravia. Studied violin at the Vienna Conservatory under Bohm, composition under Seyfried, and later under Mayseder, making his first concert tour at the age of sixteen. He greatly admired the playing of Paganini, who was at the same time giving concerts through Germany, and is said to have followed that great virtuoso from place to place in order to familiarize himself with this particular style. In 1832 he went to Paris, where he studied with de Beriot, after which, up to the year of 1850, he traveled over the greater part of Europe, giving concerts with most brilliant success and receiving praise from Schumann on coming to Leipsic. He finally settled in London, where he played in the Philharmonic concerts. His health gave way at last, cutting off his public career, and he died at Nice, aged fifty-one. His playing was characterized by brilliancy of execution and beauty of tone, with the capacity of both fire and delicacy in expression. He wrote a number of varied and effective compositions, chiefly for   violin, but also for orchestra, string quartets and, in collaboration with Hellar, violin and piano duets Of his compositions, The Elegie, Carnaval de Venise and the Concerto in F sharp minor for solo, violin and orchestra, are examples, the latter being considered perhaps his best work musically, is full of the technical difficulties which are found in most of his works.