Composer, chiefly of church music, was born in Muhlhausen, Thuringia, and when about eighteen went to Munich, where he studied under Orlando Lasso. He returned to Muhlhausen in 1574, and soon afterward became director of the private orchestra of Jacob Fugger, of Augsburg. Several years later he went to Konigsberg with Margrave Georg Friedrich, and there, was first assistant musical director, later succeeding to the chief place. In 1608 he was called to a similar post in Berlin, at the Elector's Chapel under Joachim Friedrich, which he held until his death. He was distinguished in his time by the musical value of his church compositions. The most noteworthy of these are the Geistliche Lieder, in which some familiar chorales were introduced with original and effective skill; twenty Odae Sacrae; twenty-four Neue Deutsche Lieder, published in 1578; fourteen Neue Deutsche Lieder, published 1589; and the Preussische Festleider, 1598; with other songs, hymns, chorals, etc. A number of his best works have been reprinted within the last fifty years.