A musical writer and practical musician, who was born at Altona, Germany. After a period of study, under Bernard Klein, in counterpoint and harmony, he became a good contrapuntist. He was also a good violoncellist and teacher, many of the leading composers having been at one time his pupils. Upon the recommendation of Meyerbeer, he was appointed librarian of the musical department of the Royal Library at Berlin. He catalogued the library and added to it many works of great value. He studied at the Leipsic University, but had to leave to join the army against the French in 1813. He traveled extensively in Germany and Italy. He translated Delmotte's work on Orlandus Lassus and scored five hundred of Lassus' motets. He also copied a large number of the works of J. S. Bach for the press. Hewrote many articles, on various musical subjects, for Marx's Berliner Musikzeitung and in other periodicals. He was the first to publish Bach's six concertos for different instruments; the concertos for one,, two and three claviers and two comic cantatas. He also published a collection of vocal compositions in four, five, six, eight and ten parts, and was the author of many theoretical works. Among his pupils were Rubinstein, Kullak, Heinrich Hoffman and Glinka.