Bull, John
Noted English organist and composer, of the time of Queen Elizabeth. He received his training at the Queen's Chapel. In 1582 he became organist at Hereford Cathedral and later master of the children. He was made a member of the Chapel Royal in 1585 and was appointed organist in 1591. He received the degree of Bachelor of Music from Oxford in 1586 and that of Doctor of Music from the same institution in 1592. From 1596 to 1607 he was professor of music at Gresham College. In 1617, having left England some years before, he became organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame at Antwerp, where he remained until his death. Bull's compositions, vocal and instrumental, numbered about two hundred and consisted of anthems, canons and pieces for the organ and virginals. Bull has been spoken of as the " first performer in the world " of his time and as the " Liszt of his age." And he is said to have done a great deal to develop harpsichord music.