Austrian composer and organist. He received his first musical instruction from his father, after whose death he entered the Church of St. Florian as chorister and later became organist. Bruckner, although almost entirely self-taught, in 1855 obtained the position of cathedral organist at Lmz, in a competition, and while here he studied counterpart with Sechter and composition with Otto Kitzler. When Sechter died, in 1867, Bruckner was appointed his successor as organist of the Imperial Chapel at Vienna and also became professor of counterpoint, composition and organ playing in the Vienna Conservatory. In 1875 he was made lecturer on music at the University of Vienna. Bruckner is known chiefly by his symphonies, of which there are eight complete and one unfinished. Other works are a Grande Te Deum; three grand masses; a psalm; a quartet for strings; a male chorus, Germanenzug; beside motets and choruses.