Ayrton, William


Prominent English musical critic, editor, and director; son of the preceding. He was born in London, was carefully educated both in letters and music, became a successful teacher and for many years wrote literary and musical criticism for the Morning Chronicle. He also wrote Philharmonic Society reviews for the Examiner. He was one of the founders of the Philharmonic Society, and later a director. While serving as music-director at the King's Theatre, he introduced, in 1817, Don Giovanni to the London public, and during his connection with this theatre brought out various Mozart operas. With Mr. Clowes, he was associated in the publication of the valuable musical journal, The Harmonicon. He edited an extensive collection of songs and instrumental music and a collection of Sacred Minstrelsy, and wrote articles on musical subjects for the Penny Cyclopedia and Knight's Pictorial History of England.