Celebrated Swedish soprano, daughter of Oscar Arnoldson, the noted tenor. She was born at Stockholm, Sweden, studied first under her father, and later under Alberg and Madame Desiree Artot de Padilla. She made her opera debut in Prague, and sang with brilliant success in Moscow, St. Petersburg and London. For several seasons in Paris she sang at the Opera Comique, and was engaged, in 1888, at Covent Garden Theatre, London, as successor to Patti. The following year, Sigrid Arnoldson was acclaimed with unbounded enthusiasm in Moscow and Zurich, and became a prime favorite in various capitals of Europe. A visit to America was made in 1894, with a tour of the United States under the management of Abbey and Grau. Her principal roles are Rosine, Sonnambula, Dinorah, Mignon, Cherubin, Traviata and Zerlina. She is famed particularly for dramatic power and a graceful personality. After Jenny Lind and Christine Nilsson probably no Swedish singer has enjoyed more popularity abroad than Sigrid Arnoldson. In 1889 she was married to Alfred Fischoff of Vienna, an impresario.