Liebling, Emil


Born in Pless, Germany, of Russian parentage, this talented musician came to America when quite young to become a leader in the art. He was one of four brothers, all of whom have become prominent in musical affairs. After arriving in this country, in 1867, Emil Liebling taught music in Kentucky and Chicago. Returning to Berlin he studied under Kullak and Ehrlich, and composition under Heinrich Dorn. In Vienna he studied under Dachs. He also taught in Kullak's Conservatory of Music irom 1874 to 1876. Mr. Liebling's attainments along other lines are equally advanced. He is an accomplished linguist and as a writer he is a fluent and forcible contributor to American musical journals! He spent the summer of 1876 studying under Liszt at Weimar. Returning to Chicago the same year he impressed his audiences with his finished execution and a practically unlimited repertory. The concerts he gave in Berlin brought him enthusiastic praise from the severest of critics. He is as exceptional as a man, an artist, and a musician, possessing the most charming personality. He is a good common-sense business man, a famous composer, a pianist and teacher of world-wide fame, a most entertaining and instructive lecturer. Among his compositions are a valse de concert, Florence; a gavotte modern, Albumblatt; Serenade, Spring Song, Menuetto, Scherzoso, Lolita and Concert Polonaise.