Genée, Richard Franz Friedrich


Composer and conductor; born at Danzig; studied at first for the medical profession, but gave this up, and became a pupil of Stahlknecht in corn-position at Berlin. From 1848 to 1867 he was active as a conductor in various theatres, at Reval, Riga, Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle, Düsseldorf, Danzig, Mayence, Schwerin, Amsterdam and Prague; and from 1868 to 1878, at the Theatre An-der-Wien, Vienna, after which he retired to his villa at Pressbaum, near Vienna. He died at Baden, in the same vicinity. Genee brought out a number of operettas, as follows: Der Geiger aus Tyrol; Der Musikfeind, Die Generalprobe; Rosita; Der Schwarze Prinz; Am Runenstein (with Flotow); Der Seekadett; Nanon; Im Wunderlande der Pyramiden; Die Letzten Mohikaner; Nisida; Rosina; Die Zwillinge (with Roth); Die Piraten; and Die Dreizehn. He wrote some of his own librettos, a number of these in collaboration with F. Zell; and also librettos for Strauss, Supp6, and Millocker. He also composed part-songs and choruses, some of which are of a humorous character.