Dulcken, Luise


A talented pianist, a sister of Ferdinand David, the violinist, with whom she appeared at the Gewandhaus, Leipsic. While a concert-player and teacher she numbered among her pupils the late Queen Victoria. She was born at Hamburg, became a pupil of Willy Grund and made her first appearance when only ten years of age at Hamburg. After her marriage, in 1828, she moved to London, where she attracted much notice as a pianist, appearing first at one of Ella's soirees. Mme. Dulcken was not only a brilliant executant on the piano, but was versed in the literature of England, Germany, France and Italy, and was a linguist as well. She was remarkably successful as a teacher and while thus engaged overtaxed her strength, and her death was attributed to hard work. She left a son, Ferdinand Quentin Dulcken, who was a pianist and a professor of music in the Warsaw Conservatory, and who composed much noteworthy music.