Bennett, Joseph


An English musical critic and writer. He has served as musical critic of the Sunday Times, the Pall Mall Gazette, the London Graphic, and later as a member of the staff of the Musical Times and the Daily Telegraph. He has written librettos for several of the well-known English composers of the day; writing the words to Sullivan's Golden Legend, Mackenzie's Rose of Sharon, and Bethlehem, Cowen's Ruth, and numerous other compositions. For several years, 1885 to 1903, Mr. Bennett wrote the analytical programs for the London Philharmonic Society and the Monday and Saturday Popular concerts. Among his published work are Letters from Bayreuth; a History of the Leeds Musical Festivals, written in collaboration with Mr. F. R. Spark; and Primers of Musical, Biography. Mr. Bennett is himself a musician. Before adopting his present profession he held the post of precentor at Weigh House Chapel, and was organist at Westminster Chapel. He was born at Berkeley, Gloucestershire.